is it possible to repair apple earpods ? – yes it is possible with kushwaha telecom
Hello friends, are you worried about the low sound of your earbuds?
Don’t worry we are here to maintenance your luxurious gadgets !
Low noise or loss of sound in one side of airpods. All this happens due to dust and sweat also. Friends, this happens according to the uses & time period. What actually happens is that along with sweat, dust particles also get deposited in the metal mesh covering the speakers.
We have high class equipment and trained engineer to fix it with utmost precision for timely solution.
Your earbuds battery performing with low backup ?
airpod battery is replaceable yes it is replaceable
It is not just for use-and-throw products. one call my dear all Apple EarPods users can solve the low battery performance.
People around us have been put in mind that some electronics devices have not been repaired.
But we also want to tell you that we consider use and throw away policy as the minimum limit as per right to repair policy, we only consider expertise.